Hanne Carlsson

In 2018, Hanne graduated with BSc (Hons) Computer Science

Name Hanne Carlsson
Degree Title BSc (Hons) Computer Science
Year of Graduation 2018
Photo of Hanne Carlsson

Your time at the University

I really enjoyed my time at The University of Edinburgh, but I especially loved my final year. I loved having the chance to take MSc level courses and begin to specialise within my areas of interest, while also having the time and opportunity to do various paid and volunteer roles within the School of Informatics. My final year alone prepared me not only for my subsequent MSc in Machine Learning but also helped me gain a plethora of soft skills and experiences which proved vital for job applications and interviews. If offered the chance, I would redo the year in a heartbeat.

Your experiences since leaving the University

My time in Edinburgh really helped me discover what I enjoyed and what I wanted to work with. Being able to take multiple MSc level Machine Learning courses gave me an enormous advantage when applying to and late obtaining my MSc in Machine Learning from Imperial College London. Combined with the soft skills I got from my extracurricular engagements at the school, the process of applying to and starting my current job at HSBC was made much easier and way less daunting.

Alumni Wisdom

Take full advantage of the opportunities available not just at the university, but also in the school. Both the paid and volunteer roles available are immensely fun and challenging, but also offer you an immense advantage that help you stand out from the crowd when applying for further studies or jobs after your degree.

Have you engaged with any activity with the School since graduating?

I have taken part in some post-offer Open Days at the school since graduating, which I enjoyed a great deal. It was fun both to share my own experiences of my time at the university, but also to get a chance to meet the potential new cohorts and help them better understand what a degree in Informatics, and at this university, entails and the types of opportunities they could stand to gain from choosing to accept their offers.

This article was first published in 2019. For updates on what Hanne is doing now, find her LinkedIn below.

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Hanne Carlsson on LinkedIn