Optional courses

At the School of Informatics, we offer a wide range of optional courses that allow students to tailor their studies to their specific interests and career goals.

These courses are designed to provide a balanced mix of theoretical knowledge and practical application, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience. You can take a closer look at some examples of our optional courses below.

When choosing optional courses, you may also want to consider what courses are prerequisites for future courses you may be interested in.  

Example theoretical courses

Algorithmic Game Theory and Its Applications This course aims to bring together as a coherent body of knowledge the game theoretic algorithms & models that underpin several flourishing subjects at the intersection of computer science, economics and e-commerce, & AI.
Automated Reasoning The general aim of the course is to describe how reasoning can be modelled using computers. Its more specific aim is to provide a route into more advanced uses of theorem proving in order to solve problems in mathematics and formal verification.
Blockchains and Distributed LedgersBlockchain technology and distributed ledgers have been hailed as a turning point in scaling information technology services at a global level. Although the digital currency Bitcoin is the best-known Blockchain application today, the technology is set to play a much broader role in cyber security innovation.
Principles and Design of IoT SystemsDeals with the principles and design of Internet of Things (IoT) systems, including aspects of cloud computing and data streaming, which are relevant to Extreme Computing.
Introduction to Quantum Computing The aim of this course is to give students a basic overview of the rapidly growing field of Quantum Computation (QC). 

Example application courses

Computing in the ClassroomIn this course students work with teachers to design appropriate teaching material and practical projects for computing education in schools. In the process, students gain a critical understanding of the theory and practice of computer science pedagogy as appropriate for different stages of school learners. The course offers an in-depth, sustained experience in the classroom to students contemplating a career in education.
Computer Graphics: RenderingSpecialises in rendering techniques in computer graphics for creating realistic images and animations.
Human-Computer InteractionThe study of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) seeks to combine perspectives and methods of enquiry drawn from disciplines such as Interaction Design, Psychology and Sociology with the tools, techniques and technologies of Computer Science to create an approach to design which is both relevant and practical.

System Design Project (SDP)

The System Design Project provides practical experience in large-scale system design and team collaboration.


Students work in groups to design and implement a system, in recent years the theme has been 'assistive robotics'. Projects include creating practical solutions like a robot shopping trolley or smart switches. 


The course includes support for hardware construction, online workshops, and weekly mentor meetings. Groups present their projects to peers and industry judges at the end of the semester. 


Take a look at some photos from this years projects below and follow the links to find out more!


Course webpage

Video: SDP 2024 Projects

SDP 2024 group photo
SDP 2024 projects photos

There are another 30 Masters level courses also available for fourth and fifth year students with special permissions.

Master level courses by topic 

Degree Regulations and Programmes of Study (DRPS)

For a more detailed look at your specific programme and course descriptions, including a detailed breakdown on what compulsory and optional courses are available, delivery information, and assessment information and learning outcomes, be sure to look at the Degree Regulations and Programmes of Study (DRPS).


Please note: the above information relates to the current academic year or previous course offerings. Courses are subject to change in future years.