[19/05/2023] Robert van Glabbeek, Royal Society Wolfson Fellow and Personal Chair in Computer Science at the School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh has been elected a member of the Academia Europaea in recognition of his scientific standing. Image Robert van Glabbeek, Royal Society Wolfson Fellow and Personal Chair in Computer Science Membership of the Academia Europaea is an award conferred by the Academia Europaea to individuals that have demonstrated "sustained academic excellence". Membership is by invitation only by existing MAE only and judged during a peer review selection process. Rob van Glabbeek has a strong international reputation in the study of the theory of concurrent computation, having made contributions to the conciliation of the interleaving and the true concurrency communities by codeveloping the current view of branching time and causality as orthogonal but interacting dimensions of concurrency. He condensed many divergent views on semantic equivalences into the linear time-branching time spectrum. He has organised workshops on combining compositionality and concurrency, on logic, language and information, on the Unified Modelling Language, on workflow management, web services and business process modelling, on automatic and semi-automatic system verification, on structural operational semantics, and on formal methods for embedded systems. I feel honoured by this recognition and thrilled to be joining other distinguished members. I look forward to working with them to promote scientific research in Europe. Robert van Glabbeek, Royal Society Wolfson Fellow and Personal Chair in Computer Science The Academia Europaea was founded in 1988, on the initiative of the UK's Royal Society and other National Academies in Europe. It is the only Academy with individual membership from the Council of Europe states and from other nations across the world. Members are eminent, individual scientists and scholars, who cover the full range of academic disciplines. Related links Link to Academia Europaea website Link to Robert van Glabbeek’s personal page This article was published on 2024-03-18