Academics from Quantum Software Lab involved in two out of five new Quantum Hubs

[31/07/2024] Informatics researchers from the Quantum Software Lab will be involved in two out of five newly announced EPSRC-funded Quantum Software Hubs, collaborating with colleagues in Oxford and Heriot-Watt.

Quantum Software Lab

As the Director of Quantum Software Lab and Chief Scientist at the National Quantum Computing Centre, I am privileged to lead our strategic partnership within both the QCI3 and IQN Hubs. At QSL, which stands as the UK's largest lab dedicated entirely to quantum software development, we are uniquely positioned to coordinate the groundbreaking work of these Hubs. Our mission is to transform theoretical quantum advances into practical applications. With our extensive network of industry partners and the support of our recently established Centre for Doctoral Training in Quantum Software, we are not just participants but pioneers, ensuring that as the UK strides towards operational quantum technology, we are the architects designing its applications. Our collaborative efforts are crucial in transcending the sum of individual contributions, paving the way for a future where quantum technology is not only possible but practical and pervasive.

Informatics will help build quantum computers and develop ‘quantum Internet’

The Hub for Quantum Computing via Integrated and Interconnected Implementations (QCI3 Hub), led by the University of Oxford aims to develop technologies for building quantum computers, advancing UK capabilities across hardware and software and targeting applications in a wide range of industry sectors. Colleagues from QSL will play a leading role in developing tools vital for scaling hardware, from quantum error correction to protocols for secure distributed quantum computing, quantum-HPC integration, and hybrid quantum-classical algorithms.

The QCI3 Hub brings together industry, academia and government partners to deliver new applications, ideas and innovations that will advance the field of quantum computing, impacting areas such as materials science, chemistry, finance and logistics. The Hub will train a new generation of scientists and engineers, providing the critical skills for a UK quantum economy, whilst also developing the commercial skills needed for those looking to play key roles in the UK’s growing quantum industry. Our rich partner network will ensure that our research is grounded around real-world problems and that we are able to transfer technology out of the lab to make meaningful impact.

The Integrated Quantum Networks Quantum Technology Hub (IQN Hub), led by Heriot-Watt University aims to deliver the technologies for a future UK-wide ‘quantum internet’, enabling future-proof cybersecurity and powerful distributed quantum computing. QSL will partner with the IQN Hub to investigate quantum learning theory and novel protocols for secured multi-party computing that combine both classical and quantum communication.

The Integrated Quantum Networks Hub will provide the underpinning research required towards the establishment of a UK-wide quantum network. Harnessing excellent research from a wide range of partners, it will be delivering quantum networks at different scales, from local data centres to inter-city links and up to global satellite connections.

Establishing a widescale quantum internet could have impact across all sectors, predominantly allowing future-proof security for data communications, as well as linking up quantum computers and sensors with benefits ranging from healthcare to materials research, artificial intelligence and many others.

Delivering Quantum Technology in practice

Five new quantum hubs will develop practical use of quantum technology in areas like medical scanners, secure communication networks, and next-generation positioning systems.

The hubs will be based across the UK, in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Birmingham, Oxford, and London, to ensure the whole of the UK benefits from these technologies. Researchers and businesses will work together to develop this quantum technology. 

The hubs will be delivered by the UKRI Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), with a £106 million investment from EPSRC, the UKRI Biotechnology and Biological Research Council, UKRI Medical Research Council, and the National Institute for Health and Care Research.

We want to see a future where cutting-edge science improves everyday lives. That is the vision behind our investment in these new quantum technology hubs, by supporting the deployment of technology that will mean faster diagnoses for diseases, critical infrastructure safe from hostile threats and cleaner energy for us all. This isn't just about research; it's about putting that research to work. These hubs will bridge the gap between brilliant ideas and practical solutions. They will not only transform sectors like healthcare and security, but also create a culture of accelerated innovation that helps to grow our economy.

Technologies harnessing quantum properties will provide unparalleled power and capacity for analysis at a molecular level, with truly revolutionary possibilities across everything from healthcare to infrastructure and computing. The five Quantum Technology Hubs announced today will harness the UK’s expertise to foster innovation, support growth and ensure that we capitalise on the profound opportunities of this transformative technology.

From disease diagnosis and brain scanning to navigation systems

In addition to two Hubs QSL will be involved with, three others are being established:  

The UK Quantum Biomedical Sensing Research Hub (University College London and University of Cambridge): Explores quantum sensors for ultra-sensitive disease diagnosis, including rapid blood tests, and biomedical scanners to facilitate earlier diagnosis and treatment of diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer's disease. 

UK Quantum Technology Hub in Sensing, Imaging and Timing (University of Birmingham): Focuses on the development of quantum sensing for practical applications - brain scanners for dementia, cancer diagnostics, and advanced security and infrastructure monitoring. 

The UK Hub for Quantum Enabled Position, Navigation and Timing (University of Glasgow): Creates quantum-based positioning and navigation systems for critical infrastructure, autonomous vehicles, and improved indoor and underwater navigation.

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