Please use this page if you're not sure who to contact with your query. Main contacts The list below will help you identify the appropriate contact for your query. Do you want to contact a specific person? Please use an appropriate staff list Staff Lists Are you thinking of applying to study in Informatics? What degree would you like to study for?Undergraduate/Postgraduate taught (MSc)Prospective UG students websiteProspective MSc students websiteEmail Future StudentsPostgraduate research degreeProspective research studentsEmail Informatics Graduate SchoolPostgraduate degree in a Centre for Doctoral TrainingCDTs website More information about studying with us Are you thinking of working in the School of Informatics? Check the latest job openings. Vacancies website Would you like to inquire about hiring space in the School of Informatics? Check information about booking space in Informatics. Informatics Room Bookings Would you like to phone us? You can call the reception of the Informatics Forum on 0131 651 5661You can call the School Office on 0131 650 2690 Staff lists Would you like to learn more about our research? Research website Are you a journalist, do you have a media query? Your query is best directed to the University Press Office, but you may also wish to contact the School Comms Team. Email the University Press Office Email the Comms Team Do you have a query about our website or social media channels? Questions about the School of Informatics website or social media channels are best directed to the School Comms Team. Email InfComms Are you an industrial collaborator? If you're an industrial collaborator, please contact one of our Business Development Managers. Informatics Business Development Team Would you like to take photos or film in our buildings? Please note that you need permission to take photos or film in the School of Informatics buildings. Information about photography and filming in the School of Informatics buildings Are you our alumnus? Your question might be best directed to the University Alumni Services, but our Communications Team might also be able to help. Alumni Services Email InfComms Are you a teacher, do you have an outreach query? You can learn about our outreach and public engagement activities. Contact our Communications Team for more information. Informatics outreach and public engagement Email InfComms Do you have an outreach or public engagement opportunity to share with us Contact our Comms Team. Email InfComms Have you discovered a computing security issue within/related to the School of Informatics? Please let our Computing Team know. Contact Informatics Computing Team The School of Informatics postal address Informatics Forum10 Crichton Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9AB Our location None of the above Please email the Informatics School Office. Email the School Office This article was published on 2024-03-18