SIGMOD Test of Time Award

[2016] A paper by Professor Peter Buneman, Dr Adriane Chapman, and Dr James Cheney has won the 2016 ACM SIGMOD Test of Time Award.

The award recognises the best paper from SIGMOD conference proceedings published 10 years prior to the award, in terms of having the most impact (research, products, methodology) over the intervening decade.

SIGMOD – the Special Interest Group on Management of Data – is an international membership organisation concerned with data management. The annual SIGMOD/PODS conference is one of the most important and selective in the field.

International collaboration

Professor Buneman and Dr Cheney are members of the Edinburgh Database Group, part of the Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science, while Dr Chapman now works for the MITRE Corporation. Their award-winning paper is based on work done during and after a visit to Edinburgh by Dr Chapman during her PhD studies at the University of Michigan.

Provenance management in curated databases

The paper, Provenance management in curated databases*, was selected from among 58 papers published in the proceedings of the 2006 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data.  It investigates general-purpose techniques for recording provenance for data that is copied among databases, and describes an approach which tracks the user's actions while browsing and copying data, to record those actions in a convenient, queryable form.

The paper has over 300 citations (Google Scholar) and has been downloaded over 1,300 times from the ACM Portal.

Useful links

The winning paper: Provenance management in curated databases 

2016 ACM SIGMOD Test of Time Award

SIGMOD/PODS conference

Edinburgh Database Group

Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science

MITRE Corporation

Professor Buneman on Edinburgh Research Explorer

Dr Cheney on Edinburgh Research Explorer

Google Scholar

ACM portal



[* DOI (10.1145/1142473.1142534]