We work with industry, business, and government partners to transfer our world-leading research to the Scottish and global economies. If you are interested in a collaboration, please contact us. Informatics is a specialised, multi-disciplinary field that has become a key enabler in driving innovation and change in business and society. The School of Informatics welcomes opportunities to investigate compelling challenges where our research can deliver impact. We collaborate with academic, private, and public sector partners on research-led projects exploring technology innovation. We also provide consultancy expertise to industry partners deploying novel capabilities.The Business Development Team helps our partners engage in relevant, valuable work informed by world-class researchers. In addition, the team can identify PhD and Masters-level students with the appropriate interests and talent to assist in innovation and growth projects.We can help streamline collaborations by:Defining value-added research projectsNegotiating intellectual property rightsFacilitating technology licensing and acquisitionManaging confidentiality and non-disclosure agreementsCoordinating studentships, internships and degree projectsHosting industry events and workshops to build relationshipsAccepting philanthropy in conjunction with Development and AlumniThe Business Development TeamContact us if you'd like to begin a conversation.Jim AsheDirector of Commercialisation and Industry Engagement, School of InformaticsDirector of Enterprise, College of Science and Engineering,Email Jim AsheKeith EdwardsNatural Language Processing, Speech Systems, Computing Systems and Architectures, National Security and Investment Act and Export Control ComplianceEmail Keith EdwardsGregor McElvogueAI Applications, Generative AI, Artificial General IntelligenceEmail Gregor McElvogueCristian NovotnyRobotics and Autonomous Systems, National Robotarium, Centre for Doctoral TrainingEmail Cristian NovotnyKen ScottBiomedical AI, Data Science, Natural Language Processing, Centres for Doctoral TrainingEmail Ken ScottCraig SkeldonQuantum Software Lab, Quantum ComputingEmail Craig SkeldonJames StevensonMajor Account Programme ManagerEmail James StevensonMojtaba TefaghBlockchain, Distributed Finance, Cyber Security and PrivacyEmail Mojtaba Tefagh This article was published on 2024-03-18