
Apply for a role in the School of Informatics today.

The School of Informatics is ranked #1 in the UK for research power in Computer Science and Informatics Times Higher Education ranking based on REF2021 results. The School is consistently ranked in the top 30 world University rankings for computer science. Our staff are central to our success.

With over 300 academic and research staff, 130 professional services staff and over 2,000 students, Informatics is the second largest School in the College of Science and Engineering. The rich cultural diversity of our community reflects the international nature of our staff and student body: around 100 different countries, from Algeria to Venezuela, are represented among our staff. We aim to ensure that our culture and systems support flexible and family-friendly working and recognise and value diversity across all our staff and students. The School has an active programme offering support and professional development for all staff, providing mentoring, training, and networking opportunities.

All our job vacancies are advertised through the central University of Edinburgh Jobs webpage.

PhD positions (Research grant-funded scholarships) may be advertised by the School (see 'Related links' section below) or on the websites of individual research institutes.


Current vacancies

Job titleVacancy referenceClosing Date
Research Associate: QuantERA project1200311 March 2025
Lecturer in Cyber Security and Privacy1218204 April 2025


Related links