[2021] Jane Hillston has been awarded the RSE Lord Kelvin Medal for her work, including developing the first compositional framework for the quantitative analysis of systems. This pioneering work has had widespread applications in engineered and natural systems. Image Professor Jane Hillston The Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE), Scotland's National Academy, has announced the winners of its highly prestigious medals, which recognise exceptional achievement in science, academia, and public engagement. Amongst the 2021 winners, Jane Hillston, Professor of Quantitative Modelling and Head of School in the School of Informatics, is the recipient of the Lord Kelvin Medal. The award of the Lord Kelvin Medal to Jane honours her work on stochastic process algebras. In particular, the development of the PEPA process algebra, and her involvement in the development of Bio-PEPA, which is based on the earlier PEPA algebra and is specifically aimed at analysing biochemical networks. The Lord Kelvin Medal is presented each year to an exceptional individual who has demonstrated lifelong dedication and made an outstanding contribution to physical, engineering & informatic sciences. The award is named after mathematical physicist and engineer, William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin (1824 – 1907) - widely known for realising that there was a lower limit to temperature, absolute zero; absolute temperatures are stated in units of kelvin in his honour. Lord Kelvin serves as an example to us all, with a career that encompassed not only significant research achievement, innovation and invention, and considerable service to his scientific community and the country. Thus, I am deeply honoured to be the recipient of the 2021 RSE Lord Kelvin Medal. Professor Jane Hillston Related links Royal Society of Edinburgh press release Royal Society of Edinburgh Senior Career Medals Jane Hillston's personal page This article was published on 2024-03-18