Examples of impact stemming from research conducted under the theme of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. Analysis and modelling of laboratory animal behaviour IANC research into video statistical learning and systems neurobiology has led to demonstrable improvements in the welfare of animal subjects in life sciences research. Commended by the UK Home Office, the technology is already used by international pharmaceutical companies including AstraZeneca, GSK and Bayer, where it has also been shown to yield a reduction in the need for animals. Speckled computing for improved air pollution and health monitoring AIAI research into “speckled” computing – miniscule individual computing devices measuring only 1 mm2 – has led to the development of RESpeck, a wearable sensor for monitoring a patient’s breathing rate, and AirSPECK, a self-sustaining pollution-measuring sensor. Used together, these tiny devices can estimate the number of damaging airborne particles in the environment, and have been used in studies on the effects of air pollution in Delhi. They have also been piloted by the NHS in for the early detection of chronic lung disease. Laying the foundation for driverless cars Researchers from IPAB have contributed to the development of Five AI’s planning and prediction technology stack for autonomous vehicles, used in the UK government-funded “StreetWise” project (2016-2019), which demonstrated level-4 autonomous vehicles on a complex 20km urban route in London. This was one of the most sophisticated urban road trials completed in Europe to date, with a route featuring roundabouts and traffic lights, along with mixed traffic including other motor vehicles, bikes, pedestrians and trams. More detail of impact in this and other Informatics research themes can be found on the Research Impact page. Informatics Research Impact This article was published on 2024-03-18