Ayshalini Rajahsuresh

Ayshalini is a 1st year studying Computer Science and Mathematics BSc

Why did you choose to study in Edinburgh?

I chose Edinburgh as the whole city is the campus. This allows me to explore the city whilst studying.

Another reason is that the degrees that are offered here are very flexible as I could choose modules from other subjects adding valuable knowledge.

There is also an opportunity to study abroad in your third year which will help me to gain a greater understanding of the world.


Why did you choose to study Informatics?

I chose to study Informatics as there are excellent job prospects after graduating and Edinburgh is ranked very high for Informatics in the world.

What do you do for fun?

As we are currently in a pandemic, I have met a lot of friends virtually and played video games with them. I love baking and watching movies.

Any tips for prospective students?

  1. It's okay to feel anxious! University life is very different from anything you may have experienced before. There is peer support such as InfPals and InfBase which are run by students who you can speak to.
  2. Plan your finances, there are many resources that will help you to budget your money.