Alvin Bong

Alvin is going into his 2nd year studying BSc Computer Science

Why did you choose to study in Edinburgh

I was attracted by Edinburgh's historical cityscape and vibrant atmosphere. During my visit to Edinburgh, I loved that it was very walkable and easy to commute to, and every corner of the city was picturesque.

I also have a passion for hiking, so being in Scotland's capital means I could hike different mountains during my free time! The University itself has a rich history and great reputation.

I liked how the University degree choices were flexible and customizable.

Photo of Alvin

Why did you choose to study Informatics?

I was lucky to discover my passion for computer science while taking the subject in A-Levels, as I liked how relatable computer science is with real-life situations. I took biology and chemistry during high school but didn't enjoy them. The first few basic Visual Basic programming projects I did were so enjoyable and gave me a great sense of achievement once I got them running (can't deny that debugging was painful). After completing a few projects, I was inclined more towards data science and artificial intelligence, which ultimately helped me decide to study Informatics at Edinburgh, as they are one of the renowned centres for AI research. The strong career prospects for Edinburgh graduates were one of the decisive factors too.

What do you do for fun?

I would spend some time in the Pleasance gym, and participate in club activities. During the weekend I would plan a trip to other cities in Scotland -- make sure to not miss out on these beautiful sceneries! Nightlife in Edinburgh is also fun, as there are great bars and clubs just around the corner. Do check out the Jazz bar and Big Cheese.

Any tips for prospective students?

Be sure to find a balance between your work and life! Life outside of academic activities is just as important as your University grades. Check out the vast options of clubs and societies offered by the University. Don't be afraid to meet new people and put yourself in a new environment. If you're behind on your academic progress or progress, talk to your student advisor or anyone to help you out. Edinburgh is such a lovely city that it's a waste if you spend all your time here on the screen!