Sraddheya Gurung

Sraddheya is in her 2nd year studying for a BSc in Computer Science.

Why did you choose to study in Edinburgh?

I chose to come to the University of Edinburgh because I think it is really unique. It has a great mixture of old and new, city and countryside. I also felt that the courses really suited me.

I get to study Computer Science as well as some optional courses that can be from other schools, giving me the opportunity to learn something completely different and meet different types of people.

A photo of a young woman, smiling

Why did you choose to study Informatics?

I am not very sure of what I want to do so I chose Informatics because it has many different fields I could branch into. For instance, if I found I really loved the design aspect then I could become a web developer or if I really loved analysis, I could become a data analyst. There are also so many things to try or discover within Informatics so I knew that no matter what path I choose to pursue in the future, it would remain interesting.

What do you do for fun?

Outside of Informatics I really enjoy learning languages because it gives me the chance to learn about other cultures and communicate with others better. Through my optional courses, in my first year, I learnt some French and in my second year, I learnt some Spanish! I also enjoy reading fiction, I am always on the hunt for new fantasy novels!

Any tips for prospective students?

Although I don’t recommend only focusing on academics, I do think that you should make yourself more aware of all the opportunities the university has for students. For instance, you could be an RA (Resident Assistant) or do an internship with the university. I wish I had known this earlier as there are so many opportunities I may have missed. Also, take advantage of welcome week. It is a great chance to meet new people from around the world and take part in activities you may not even have heard of.