Ojaswee Bajracharya

Ojaswee is in her 2nd year studying BSc Computer Science.

Why did you choose to study in Edinburgh?

One of the main reasons I chose to study in Edinburgh was because of the city!

Edinburgh is such a pretty city and there's always so much to do. Another reason why I chose to study here was because of the range of optional courses we could take.

Alongside my informatics and maths courses, I have had the chance to take German in my first year and Sound Recording in my second year and have enjoyed my courses so far!

Photo of Ojaswee Bajracharya

Why did you choose to study Informatics?

I chose to study informatics mainly because I enjoyed Computer Science and programming at school and have always had an interest in technology. Another reason why  I decided to study informatics at university was so that I can further find what topics I'm interested in. So far, studying informatics has allowed me to explore a range of different topics such as functional programming, object oriented programming, data science, computer systems and software engineering. I also love how informatics gives you the opportunity to go into a variety of careers.

What do you do for fun?

I like to go for jogs and sing and play the guitar with my friends! Running around Holyrood park and to Portobello beach are some of my favourite running routes in Edinburgh.

Any tips for prospective students?

My top tip would be to do things out of your comfort zone and try something new.